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Login Autoban by Guest Aug 11, 2022 7:21:40 GMT

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Unholy Ashbringer by Marko Nov 12, 2017 10:26:59 GMT

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Marko, Sept 23, 2017 3:18:19 GMT:
    For those looking for Northrend guide, here it is: wow-craft.proboards.com/thread/52/new-northrend-realm-guides :D
Marko, Mar 14, 2017 19:53:02 GMT:
    i would have to disable them on whole forum, if needed but u are the only one who complained so far :)
sing, Mar 11, 2017 10:29:33 GMT:
    is there a way to disables the leafs?
Marko, Jan 23, 2017 15:43:40 GMT:
*    Hello, you can download the client from warmane.com/download wotlk (old)
saraphina, Jan 15, 2017 23:21:34 GMT:
    hi where the link to download the game?
Marko, Jan 2, 2017 8:49:53 GMT:
    /script MainMenuExpBar:Show()
/script MainMenuExpBar:SetScript('OnHide', function(self) self:Show() end)
/script MainMenuExpBar.Hide() = function() end use this macro to see xp bar after 80
Marko, Dec 2, 2016 17:45:32 GMT:
    New ClassLess realm released few days ago :)
Marko, Sept 10, 2016 13:33:35 GMT:
    Visit us at reforgecraft.com
Marko, Aug 11, 2016 8:34:29 GMT:
    Greetings from Serbia :)
hadesjr, Apr 22, 2016 10:58:36 GMT:
procto50, Mar 23, 2016 11:15:36 GMT:
    realmlist is old school how you really connect to the game ?
alireza2010, Mar 22, 2016 12:22:29 GMT:
Marko, Feb 5, 2016 17:54:53 GMT:
*    Use our site: reforgecraft.com or facebook page: www.facebook.com/craftwow/ or this forum :)
sphynx, Feb 4, 2016 20:08:09 GMT:
    Marko, how may i contact you?
Marko, Dec 22, 2015 17:18:46 GMT:
    keep in mind guys im working all day and am online and available only late afternoon and during the night
Marko, Nov 3, 2015 20:55:14 GMT:
    fixed this chatbox to properly work and appear on left side (:))
Marko, Oct 12, 2015 11:09:55 GMT:
    around 1 month ago or more, bought us reforgecraft.com a more professional domain
Marko, Aug 19, 2015 0:41:08 GMT:
    on some servers like molten cata content is around 90% working but its a blizzlike realm and not fun to play on. Or you can pay to play on retail servers, there 99% working :D but u would have to waste a lot of money there
Marko, Aug 19, 2015 0:38:52 GMT:
    what do you mean by working? not even 3.3.5a wotlk cores are 100% working but are over 90% so ofc cataclysm can not go that far. But most things are working, classes, races, instances, bosses. And what does not work properly i fix it by making it custom
snake, Aug 18, 2015 12:03:43 GMT:
    where can i find a working cataclysm 4.3.4 ??
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